Winkfield Row, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 6NH

01344 882422

Winkfield St Mary's CE Primary School

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National Tests

Government School Performance Data

This LINK takes you to the Government's school performance tables for this school (updated each year)



Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills.

  1. To view our previous Ofsted reports and any subsequent interim reports, please follow the links below.
    Ofsted Report December 2016

    OFSTED WEBSITE (all reports)

    Monitoring Visit March 2018

    School performance tables

  2. The Ofsted Parent View website allows parents of children at the school to 'rate' the school against a number of questions regarding aspects of school life from children's progress to leadership and management of the school.  To view results of our school's 'Parent View' or complete the questionnaire yourself, please follow the links below.

Parent View Site

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