Winkfield Row, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 6NH

01344 882422

Winkfield St Mary's CE Primary School

Sports Premium

As you may know, the government have funded schools around the country with £16,000 (+£10 per pupil on role) as part of the legacy of the London Olympic Games in 2012. The funding is intended to make sure that schools can make sustainable improvements to PE, Sport and Physical Activity across the school that will benefit children for years to come. We are delighted with the impact of the premium for our pupils over the last few years, with greater involvement in sport and a higher number of children representing our school in a variety of competitions. 


Please read the impact document below for this academic year and see our spend for previous years. 

 Evidencing the impact of Sports Premium 23-24.pdfDownload
 Evidencing the impact of SP 22-23.pdfDownload
 Primary Sport Premium 21-22.pdfDownload
 Primary-Sport-Premium-Forecast spend 18-19.pdfDownload
 Primary-Sport-Premium-impact Report-17-18 July 2018.pdfDownload
 Primary-Sport-Premium-impact Report-19-20.pdfDownload
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