This page intends to provide some key information, advice and support about school attendance which we hope you will find helpful. Supporting good school attendance is very important to us. A child’s attendance at school is proven to be directly linked to their success, academically, socially and emotionally. Good school attendance supports a child's happiness and development across all areas of our broad curriculum. As with all we do, we strive to work in partnership with parents and children to support attendance. Below you will find our Attendance Policy which gives further details on how we aim to do this.
Our school attendance target is set at 96%. This means that our target for every pupil is that over the whole year they achieve 96% attendance. That is no more than 7 days off in a year. The Government's national expectation is also 96%.
We do fully understand that there are many reasons for absence. If your child is too unwell that they need to be absent from school, please report this daily via Studybugs.
The NHS gives some useful advice within the document, Is my child too ill for school?
If your child is ever worried, upset or anxious about anything at school we encourage them and/or their parents and carers to speak to their Class Teacher in the first instance so that we can work in partnership to help and support.
We ask all families to avoid term time holidays. The Government has now increased the level of fine (Fixed Penalty Notice, FPN) from August 2024 through their new National Framework. The key information can be found attached. The national threshold for Penalty Notice Fines is:
10 sessions (usually equivalent to 5 school days) of unauthorised absence within a rolling 10 school week period.
If a pupil has 15 days of consecutive or cumulative absences with the code “I” for illness we are also obligated to notify the Local Authority (Education Welfare Service) who will then get in touch with the parents.
If you ever have any questions or concerns relating to attendance that you would like to discuss please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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WSM letter to share FPN changes with parents PDF.pdf | Download |
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Attendance Policy 2024-2025.docx.pdf | Download |