Winkfield Row, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 6NH

01344 882422

Winkfield St Mary's CE Primary School


Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Mrs R Tomkins

Deputy Head & SENCo:

Miss H Moore

Reception Teacher:

Mrs K Hogan and Mrs H Evans

Year 1 Teacher:

Miss M Wells-Gardner and Mrs B Theunissen

Year 2 Teacher:

Mrs R Radford

Year 3 Teacher:

Mrs L Fazey

Year 4 Teacher:

Mrs L Roberts and Mrs J Andrews

Year 5 Teacher:

Mrs F Dowlut

Year 6 Teacher:

Miss C O'Connor

School Business Manager:

Miss R Pitt


Mrs S Edwards

Admin Assistant:

Mrs S Eames

Teaching Assistants:










Mrs S Chave (HLTA)

Mrs C Coope

Mrs H Damiano

Miss E Fazey

Mrs S Freshwater-Miles

Miss M Gallagher

Mrs A Gentleman

Mrs S Granados

Mrs S Groom

Miss J Hall

Mrs J Hobbs

Ms C Johnson

Mrs C Turney


Lunchtime staff:








Mrs S Chave

Miss M Gallagher

Mrs A Gentleman

Mrs S Granados

Mrs S Groom

Miss J Hall

Ms C Johnson

Mrs K Parker

Family Support Adviser:


Mrs S Pitt



 Mr G Hyman


We are required to publish the numbers of school employees that have a gross annual salary of over £100,000.

At Winkfield St Mary's CE Primary School, no staff earn more than £100,000 a year.