"Venture outside your comfort zone.
The rewards are worth it." (Tangled)
Welcome to the Spring term in Year 3
In Year 3, we are constantly trying to do our best in all we do, we work as a team and have lots of fun.
We have a daily assembly, including singing assembly on Tuesdays and we celebrate our Star of the Week as well as Orator of the Week along with our wow work in our whole school celebration assembly on a Friday morning. Library is every other week starting on week 2.
We start each day with editing our work from the previous day and quiet reading. We then pray for our day and then start English and maths. After lunch we have some time to write in our journals and read quietly.
In the afternoons, we cover the rest of the national curriculum. These foundation subjects include: Computing, Art and Design, Music, MFL (French), P.E., P.S.H.E, Geography, History, Science and R.E.
Please see the 'Class Timetable' underneath for when the foundation subjects take place throughout the week.
Class Teacher - Mrs Fazey
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Miles, Mrs Gentlemen and Mrs Damiano
Respect - we respect the adults who help us, each other as well as our school and its property.
Excellence - we strive to be excellent by working hard and trying our best.
Awareness - we are aware of how everyone is special and unique.
Courage - we are courageous with our learning and love trying new things and challenging ourselves.
Honesty - we try our very best to make the right choices and to tell the truth.
Class Timetable for afternoon lessons:
Monday - Computing and Geography
Tuesday - PSHE & Science
Wednesday - RE & PE
Thursday - Spellings, MFL, (PPA) cover Mrs Chave
Friday - PE / DT
"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full!" John 10:10
General Information
PE is on Wednesday's and Friday's.
Please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for all weathers. Children will be outside come rain or shine so please bring sun hats and a spare pair of socks! Apply sun cream before they arrive at school.
Please check our uniform policy on what your child should wear and label all items. A spare pair of socks may be helpful in the wet weather. Hats and gloves are important to help us kww
Children can arrive from 8:40am to 8:50 am and can be dropped at the green gates where a member of SLT will welcome them into school. Morning activities start as soon as children arrive.
School pick up time is 3:20pm
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, I am always available for a chat.
Please see attached our curriculum mat below for what we will be focusing on this half term.
Useful Documents websites.
https://timestables.me.ik/ (games and downloadable worksheets
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Years-3-4 spelling list | Download |